Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wildwood Vacation Review

On a scale of one to ten my vacation was about a four. Everything I liked there was an exception to, or someone did something to completely wipe out all my liking for something.
I really liked the beach, although it was long and took forever to walk along I had a lot of fun just sitting, listening to my Zune and looking at the ocean. But, I got really bad sunburn (as usual) so it completely killed my happiness as far as the beach goes because I was in so much pain. Not to mention I got a weird rash all around my foot, which itches. I've had it before and it led to sun poisening, but I don't think this one is so bad.
I really liked this pizza, Macks. It was a lot different then you'd expect and I loved how thin it was. I usually hate thin pizza but this one was amazing. But, my sister felt the need to drip grease all over herself and myself. Which led to my good pants, stained. I hate her eating habbits with a passion.
The room we stayed in was so nice. It was very different and cutesy. But, my sister and I got the sucky room. Sucky meaning, no cable, so my sister and I had to resort to watching, stupid and annoying shows like Celebrity Circus (whoever came up with the idea of "celebrities" doing circus stuff was on something), America's Next Comedian, Baby Borrowers, and a whole bunch of other stupid shows. We also got stuck on a small pull-out couch. My sister and I both didn't fit so someone always ended up falling on the floor. Luckily, since we were so bored we made a huge pile of towels, and clothing for the other person to fall in.
We got the computer, so I was able to update my MySpace, write blogs, and check Jonas stuff, sadly the computer died. Therefore, no more fun.
Lastly, my stepmom came. Nuff said. Right before we left, Mina did her usual Minaism thing. She decided hey, let me start some drama. I was packing the car, by MYSELF while she sat in the air conditioned car. She was cutting people off, and making excuses about it. (Blah, I almost hit a man, blah), which really is just an example of how bad of a driver she is, and I was kind of being a smart ass and rolling my eyes, making fun of her, etc. Then she said "something to say Natalie?" and that set me off. I put stuff in the trunk, well put not a good word, threw stuff in the trunk. When my dad came out from checking out he asked how things were going. I was so bad I said; "Not good, because your wife's not helping me!" After I said it I instantly regret it. She got out of the car and I mean slammed it shut. She was about to yell at me but my dad stopped her.
Then she left. This is a usual Mina thing to do. She's done it a couple times when we were in Florida. My dad then had a panic attack. She screamed and yelled and pretty much scared my sister who sat in the back crying. Since my dad looked like he was about to kill me and my sister I called Mina. But she was not coming back. Lucky for her she could yell at dad and not be scared she would be hit. Finally she came back and my dad made my punishment even more hectic. She sat me next to her in the car for three hours.
I haven't spoken to Mina since, nor do I hope I ever will. I hate her, and I don't understand why my dad seems to think I ever will like her. He keeps pushing me towards her and I don't want it. There's nothing more I hate then when parents try to push you towards something. Especially something you don't want. But that's what he's doing and I don't think he realizes how much it hurts me.
Finally. I'm done. That was the last straw.
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:

Quote of the blog:
"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results."
- Anoymous.

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