Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I know I'm going a little overboard with posting but I'm not tired nor am I ready to go to sleep. So I decided to write yet another blog.
I've been closely examining life lately. I don't know why. It might be because I've taken an interest in thriller movies that revolve around the world ending and everyone in panic. Or maybe it's because I now realize how someone's life can end in an instant.
It's amazing how god throws curveballs in your life. How he teaches so many leasons and tries to make sense of why we're meant to be on earth. Whether it be losing a best friend, or finding true love, or losing true love, in the end you learn from it. Whether it be to never take anything for granted or to fall in love and not be afraid or to move on from something that hurts. In the end life is just one big curveball. One big mistake. One big lesson.
As I'm watching people grow, people part, and learn to become indepentdent I'm wondering if that's our purpose in life? To learn something. To learn something and take it with us after life. I guess I just want to have the faith to believe that there's something after death, that their's something more to life then just lessons, and regrets that there's something more to death then just darkness and black.
As I'm growing older and finding myself already looking into colleges and what I want to do with my life it's occuring to me that I'm learning to be independent and I'm learning to have a hard shell and see rejection.
As I'm sitting here are 12:03 at night, writing I'm trying to grasp the concept of life. Grasp why we're forced to make hard decisions or part with ones we love. Why can't everything be like the movies and everyone lives happily ever after?
People come into your life easily and can leave your life easily. It truely is amazing. But I guess that's all in our life lesson plans. To be able to handle rejection and comfrontation and be able to realize that everything isn't all it's cracked up to be. That we aren't all just put on this earth to live and that's it.
Ugh.... I don't know what I'm trying to say this blog is becomming a whole big mesh of words and phrases. I guess I'm trying to say that we shouldn't look at all the negative stuff, we should look at the positive stuff. "Every song ends, but is that any reason to not enjoy the music?" That is a very vaulable quote from One Tree Hill and I'm satisfied to say that I've taken a lot from that quote, not only it's meaning but everything. Everything does end, but enjoy it.
Wow.... I'm not even going to re-read that blog. I'm sure none of it makes sense, but I don't care.
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:
"Learning to fall" By: Boys Like Girls.

Quote of the blog:
"What I've learned is not to change who you are, because eventually you're going to run out of new things to become."
- Taylor Swift.

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