Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cloverfield is my new obsession ehph ♥

So this past week I rented "Cloverfield" not expecting to even remotely like it. I like scary movies, but sometimes they tend freak me out I had problems watching "I Am Legend" because I have this weird and scary feeling it could somehow happen to me one day an the entire world would be extinct. But "Cloverfield" pleasantly surprised me. I wasn't too scared, I was more thrilled by the whole thing. Another good thing is that it wasn't too gross and blood infested.
The movie follows this guy Rob who is taking a long trip to Japan or China. The whole plot is that he slept with one of his best friends, Beth who he's been in love with forever. Beth and Rob got into a huge fight at his going away party which his friends threw him. When the monster, (which is this huge lizard, gross slimmy thing, that has huge spider/crabby looking things coming off of him) hits town and all the New Yorkers are forced to leave town Rob calls Beth only to hear her shreaking voice saying she was hurt and needed help. The whole story turns when Rob and his friends, Lily, Hud (camera holder) and Marlena set off to go find Beth in her apartment.
Sadly, Marlena, and Hud both die along the way. The ending is a bit confusing and leaves a lot of unanswered questions which led a lot of rumors to circulate about a sequel but as far as I know the director has cleared up a lot of the unanswered questions (What's the monster there for?, Where'd he come from?, Did he die?, Did Lily die?, Did Rob & Beth die?) . It's all a bit crazy but I loved it.
Lizzy Caplan, who you might remember as Janis in "Mean Girls" did an amazing job. Her face after every scene that was scary was amazing and I definetly believed she was under attack by a huge creature and scared out of her mind. Unfortunatly she did die and I was quite sad about it.
The rest of the cast did amazing as well and I give it five stars. Go see it if you haven't and don't think you'll like it. It may surprise you.

Currently hearing:
"Cancer" By: My Chemical Romance.

Quote of the Blog:
"What's wrong with you? He's just a kid. We're all just kids and we just have this life and the things you say and do, we feel that. How can you have so much hate in your heart? How can you act like it doesn't matter? It does matter. What happened to us? We're just kids. We can't be like this. It's not possible."
- One Tree Hill (Abby Brown).

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