Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So this is my first real blog. I've decided to put everything in my life in this blog and try my best to explain the crazy mixed up world of being a fifteen year old girl. I've dedicated this blog, introduction to all the main things on my blog, a little bit about me and some other cool stuff.
I made my banner and it took me forever believe it or not. It has pretty much my favorite things on it. Including my favorite bands (Jonas Brothers, Aly & AJ, A Coastline Ending , My Chemical Romance, Paramore, Boys Like Girls, etc.), My favorite movies (Rent, Say Anything, Thirteen, The Notebook, etc.), My favorite things (Ed Hardy, New York, Twilight, etc.) and my favorite actors/actresses (Robert Pattinson, Kirsten Stewart, Nikki Reed, etc.). There's a lot of my personality in there and a lot of things that really make me, me.
My personality is a lot different from anyone else's. I'm shy at first, but after I get acquainted and happy, I get pretty loud. I'm usually hyper and loud. It all depends on my mood.
I love everything. I swear, it's not easy to make me hate something specific. Well sometimes it is.
My hobbies include:
- Writing.
- Shopping.
- Hanging with friends.
- Reading.
- Watching T.V.
- Movies.
Those things probably make me look like a geek which I'm okay with. I like to consider myself a geek. My dream is to be a writer. I read a book called "What My Mother Doesn't Know" by Sonya Sones and instantly fell in love with writing. The way something and someone's words can change your entire outlook on life amazed me. I want to be able to have a teenage girl, who's confused and feeling alone and empty pick up my book and change her entire outlook on life, and her way of thinking. My whole dream is to be able to inspire people just like my favorite authors have. Inspire them to do the impossible and never give up. I'd also love to work for Seventeen magazine. I own every Seventeen magazine. I've actually never thrown them away and I plan to keep them all until I've accomplished my dream and worked at Seventeen and have a book published.
In this blog I've also decided to make a quote at the end of every blog. It's going to be just a little quote that I've picked out that I feel is very meaningful (especially to me).
I love music. Music is like my way of getting out. My normal life is hecktic and annoying. If I put on some music and put it up as loud as I can I usually feel better 100% of the time.
I love everything, except rap, I also am picky when it comes to country. My Chemical Romance's music usually helps me when I'm down. Putting in The Black Parade and screaming their songs usually helps me, and at the same times makes me bust out in tears. It's so meaningful. Their lyrics have real, real meaning to them and that's not something you get too often.
I also love Taylor Swift. (I told you I like EVERY kind of music) Her music is very helpful to me. Knowing someone is going or has gone through the things you have really helps clarify things. It helps you realize that yea, you may be unhappy, and feel like a freak but you're not. In reality you're going through what everyone else has. It's kind of the light at the end of the tunnel.
I also love a band called A Coastline Ending. Their song "Face The Music" is almost what inspired this blog. But I'll get more into that later.
Anyway, I'm tired and tomorrow I have to get up earlier then I usually do because I have a doctor's appointment to get this thing on my face (it's a gross huge pimple looking thing but it won't go away. I've had it for two months, ew) looked at.
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:
"Let The Flames Begin" By: Paramore.

Quote of The Blog:
"And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But, losing your reason for the journey... is a fate more cruel."
- One Tree Hill (Peyton Sawyer).

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