Friday, August 22, 2008

Natalie Updates Take 2 including Jonas, Ocean City, Breaking Dawn, etc!

Ah!! It's been a while. I've missed writing and I'm happy to be back to my regular updates, wa-ho!!
First order of business, I finally reached ten Jonas concerts! That was my goal last year! I told myself by the time I was sixteen I wanted to of seen the Jonas Brothers ten times and I did it! Seeing them in Baltimore brought back memories of September 2006 when I was riding esculators to see them in Towson, Maryland. I remember going to the rec room and buying tickets and just the overall happiness I had that I was finally seeing my boys. Now things have changed and I'm not five feet from them but I felt closer then ever to those amazing boys. Although, I wish they'd never done this whole Disney thing I'm proud of them!
Next I went to Ocean City, Maryland this past week and let me tell you, it was amazing! I had a ball just hanging out on the beach and chillaxing for the last time this summer! I didn't get any sunburn thankfully, however I was falling apart during that trip. First, I got a weird bump on my head, I don't know where it was from but it was long and bumpy, I still have it but it's getting better. Then my limp nod (thing behind my ear) was huge and acheing, which took away from my happiness and enjoyment on the last night. However, I bought some amazing chocolate covered strawberries from Wakenfuss (FYI go there instead of the Candy Kitchen) and after six years of begging I finally got on the giant ferris wheel at Jolly Rogers! I also bought a bracelet from Edward's because I wanted a bag from there, hah!
Next, I'm happy to say "Breaking Dawn" was amazing!! I actually haven't finished it, I'm reading a page a day in order to savor it but I'm loving it! If you disagree, I don't like you!!!
That's about it, but I'll keep you updated and go back to my regular day-by-day updates, I promise!
Love times a million,

Currently hearing:

Quote of the blog:
When I left you, Bella, I left you bleeding. Jacob was the one to stitch you back up again. That was bound to leave its mark — on both of you. I’m not sure those kinds of stitches dissolve on their own. I can’t blame either of you for something I made necessary. I may gain forgiveness, but that doesn’t let me escape the consequences.
- Twilight

Monday, August 4, 2008

Natalie updates, including Hershey JB show, and much more!

No, I'm not dead. Just busy!
First of all, I'm very happy to say that my once bump on my face, (aka the gross thing that looked like a zit under my eye) is officially gone. All that's left is a little slit where it was.
No it didn't hurt surpisingly. I got three shots around the bump, it surprisingly wasn't bad. Then the doctor took this little gross thing knife like thing and got everything out of it. It was just uncomfortable, not bad.

Next I am proud to say I attended my ninth Jonas Brothers concert and it was ah-maz-ing. Unfortunatly I was quite far away. Even with binoculars I couldn't see anything but their profiles. It was sad but amazing. They played so long, by the end I could barely walk. It ended close to twelve and we sat in traffic for a whooping ready for this 98 minutes!! I know amazing right? My next concert is on Wednsday aka not tomorrow but the next day. Yes, I'm excited for numoro ten!

I know I was going to put more in this blog but I don't feel like writing anymore. I'm going to write a special Jonas blog next because I feel like it. Anyways, I'm about done!
Talk to you in the next blog.
Oh and by the way, "Breaking Dawn" came out and I'm in love! Look ahead for a blog when I finish!
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:
The news.

Quote of the blog:
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
- Twilight (Yes I had to do a quote from there!)

Friday, July 4, 2008

7 things ♥

1So many of you know the song by Miley Cyrus called "7 Things" if not click here to hear it. Currently, that song is my most played song on my iPod. I don't even like Miley Cyrus but it's a really addictive song. I've decided to pick 7 of my favorite things and list the 7 things I like most about them. So here goes:
1. Jonas Brothers.
1. Their music.
2. Their personality.
3. Their humble.
4. They're hot. =]
5. They make me laugh more then anyone.
6. They really do love their family.
7. They love their fans.
2. A Coastline Ending.
1. Their music.
2. They're pretty cute. =]
3. They're funny.
4. They have pretty much the most amazing lyrics.
5. They aren't trying to be like anyone else.
6. They're very distinct (music wise).
7. They aren't giving up.
3. Taylor Swift.
1. Her music.
2. Her lyrics.
3. It's easy to relate to her.
4. Her sense of style.
5. Her personality.
6. Her sense of humor.
7. Her determination.
4. Twilight Saga.
1. Best books to ever grace us with it's presence.
2. It's relatable (the feelings Bella has, not the whole vampire thing).
3. It gives girls hope that all boys aren't completely crappy.
4. Stephenie Myer sure knew what she was talking about.
5. The words are very beautiful and rich.
6. It keeps me happy.
7. Makes me read a lot more then usual.
5. One Tree Hill.
1. It's the best show in the universe.
2. It keeps me happy.
3. Always brightens my day.
4. Makes me feel better if I'm done.
5. Relatable.
6. "Naley" is amazing.
7. Keeps me occupied when I'm bored.
6. Rent.
1. Very powerful.
2. Jonathan Larson was an amazing person.
3. Without fail, makes me cry.
4. Probably one of the most outspoken musicals to ever grace Broadway.
5. Is very inspirable.
6. Has the most amazing, and beautiful lyrics.
7. It's pretty rockin'.
7. Kung Fu Panda.
1. Makes me laugh.
2. Keeps me very occupied.
3. Kung Fu Panda is adorable.
4. I love Jack Black and the rest of the cast.
5. One of the funniest movies known to man.
6. Has a good message.
7. Kung Fu Panada eats everything in the kitchen, which cracks me up.
So there you have it. The 7 things that mean most to me, and the 7 things that make them mean a lot to me. I know a lot of it was cheesy but oh well, I'm a pretty cheesy person!
Oh and Happy Fourth of July!! I had a very wet day today with Courtney, we went to Gettysburg, PA to watch a battle reenactment, it was pretty boring but still fun! If you have a funny story to share about you fourth, comment me! I'd love to hear it!
Love times a million,

Currently hearing:
America's Next Top Model on MTV.

Quote of the Blog:
""Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life."
-Smiley Blanton.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Goodbye to you ♥

It's so funny how quickly someone can come in and out of your life. In the blink of an eye the person you thought would always remain in your life and never leave is gone and all you have left is a couple Youtube videos and a couple thousand pictures.
Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if a couple things didn't pan out. If so-and-so didn't come into everyone's life, if this never happened, blah, blah. Maybe we'd still be best friends, maybe I wouldn't be all alone, maybe I wouldn't of taken all our times together for granted.
Sometimes people come into your life out of the blue and surprise you. Not a boy, but a best friend, and sometimes you feel like you don't need them and take them for granted but in the long run you realize just how special and how amazing that person really meant to you and that person soon enough becomes someone amazing, someone you can tell every secret you ever had to, someone who not only was your best friend but your non-biological sister.
Looking back on everything, the careless fights, the never ending phone calls, the concerts, the talks, the chats, the funny, random things that happened, there's no sense in crying over it. All the times we had together was not only amazing, but the best times I had of my life.
When I think about you, I can't think about anything bad. I can only think about getting soaked in 60 degree weather and walking around wearing nothing but wet clothing, screaming at the concert and yelling till our voices were gone, buying endless amounts of underwear at Victoria Secret, laughing hysterically with our favorite radio DJ, driving to Florida while playing TV Guide challenge, sitting at the pool and listening to Tita talk on and on, buying things at the cheap store, and even more just having fun.
There's absolutly nothing bad I can think about. Most people's relationships end over a stupid fight, sure we had our share of fights, but in the long run nothing came of it.
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 were the best years of my life and I owe it all to you (well most of it).
Thanks for being there when no one else was, thanks for never giving up on me even though I know I annoied you, thanks for never giving up on trying to make me a humongo fan, and most importantly thanks for being a best friend.
All I can say to everyone else is always keep a best friend close. You never know when they might slip away.
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:
"Chemical React" by: Aly & AJ

Quote of the blog:
“Friends are forever, you might lose them but you'll never forget them.”
- Unknown.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wildwood Vacation Review

On a scale of one to ten my vacation was about a four. Everything I liked there was an exception to, or someone did something to completely wipe out all my liking for something.
I really liked the beach, although it was long and took forever to walk along I had a lot of fun just sitting, listening to my Zune and looking at the ocean. But, I got really bad sunburn (as usual) so it completely killed my happiness as far as the beach goes because I was in so much pain. Not to mention I got a weird rash all around my foot, which itches. I've had it before and it led to sun poisening, but I don't think this one is so bad.
I really liked this pizza, Macks. It was a lot different then you'd expect and I loved how thin it was. I usually hate thin pizza but this one was amazing. But, my sister felt the need to drip grease all over herself and myself. Which led to my good pants, stained. I hate her eating habbits with a passion.
The room we stayed in was so nice. It was very different and cutesy. But, my sister and I got the sucky room. Sucky meaning, no cable, so my sister and I had to resort to watching, stupid and annoying shows like Celebrity Circus (whoever came up with the idea of "celebrities" doing circus stuff was on something), America's Next Comedian, Baby Borrowers, and a whole bunch of other stupid shows. We also got stuck on a small pull-out couch. My sister and I both didn't fit so someone always ended up falling on the floor. Luckily, since we were so bored we made a huge pile of towels, and clothing for the other person to fall in.
We got the computer, so I was able to update my MySpace, write blogs, and check Jonas stuff, sadly the computer died. Therefore, no more fun.
Lastly, my stepmom came. Nuff said. Right before we left, Mina did her usual Minaism thing. She decided hey, let me start some drama. I was packing the car, by MYSELF while she sat in the air conditioned car. She was cutting people off, and making excuses about it. (Blah, I almost hit a man, blah), which really is just an example of how bad of a driver she is, and I was kind of being a smart ass and rolling my eyes, making fun of her, etc. Then she said "something to say Natalie?" and that set me off. I put stuff in the trunk, well put not a good word, threw stuff in the trunk. When my dad came out from checking out he asked how things were going. I was so bad I said; "Not good, because your wife's not helping me!" After I said it I instantly regret it. She got out of the car and I mean slammed it shut. She was about to yell at me but my dad stopped her.
Then she left. This is a usual Mina thing to do. She's done it a couple times when we were in Florida. My dad then had a panic attack. She screamed and yelled and pretty much scared my sister who sat in the back crying. Since my dad looked like he was about to kill me and my sister I called Mina. But she was not coming back. Lucky for her she could yell at dad and not be scared she would be hit. Finally she came back and my dad made my punishment even more hectic. She sat me next to her in the car for three hours.
I haven't spoken to Mina since, nor do I hope I ever will. I hate her, and I don't understand why my dad seems to think I ever will like her. He keeps pushing me towards her and I don't want it. There's nothing more I hate then when parents try to push you towards something. Especially something you don't want. But that's what he's doing and I don't think he realizes how much it hurts me.
Finally. I'm done. That was the last straw.
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:

Quote of the blog:
"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results."
- Anoymous.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Overall Jonas Weekend Review ♥

So most of you know I have a huge obsession with the Jonas Brothers. I've liked them since they were signed to Columbia Records and have their first CD not to mention I'm an avid Jonas fan junkie who stalks them by driving a huge amount of miles just to see them in concert. I've seen them eight times and met them four.
This weekend was humongo for the Jonas Brothers. "Camp Rock" premiered (their first movie), and "Burning Up" premiered (their new single), also their album cover was released.
First order of business "Camp Rock":

So "Camp Rock" is about Shane Gray (Joe Jonas) who is like the typical "divo" always wanting it his way, jerk kinda rockstar. His two band mates, Jason and Nate (Kevin and Nick Jonas) send him to Camp Rock where they started their band Connect 3. While Shane is running away from screaming girls he overhears a girl singing while hiding in the bushes and so to say falls in love with her voice. The voice is Mitchie (Demi Lovato) who is the chief's daughter which she is ashamed of. As Shane searches for the girl's voice he befriends Mitchie little does he know she's the voice he's been looking for. The whole movie is a lot of drama and unhappiness but it really really rocks.

I have to say I was rooting against it being an amazing "High School Musical" movie. I know that sounds really bad and you probably think I'm not a real fan but I am. I loved them for a while before a thousand fans started liking them. So basically anything big happening for them I'm kind of rooting against. Which is really, really bad. As long as their happy though. Anyway, back to the movie. It was really good and I loved the premise. Demi Lovato was amazing, in "As The Bell Rings" she never really, really impressed me. But she did big time in "Camp Rock" and Joe, Nick and Kevin were amazing too. Especially Joe, he blew me away. If you haven't watched it definetly tune in tomorrow when it plays on The Wonderful World Of Disney or on Sunday when it premires on ABC Family. It really is worth the hour and a half.
Next order of business A little bit longer cover:
So a lot of people have mixed feelings about this cover but I happen to love it. If you have a lot of time and really feel like looking at it for a long time there's like a thousand hidden words like "Frankie" and "Love Bug" and "Hollywood" and all that good stuff. It's like an eye spy thing. It's really cool. The cover is different, but I think it's really artistic and Beatle like. I really, really, really like it. Hahh if I haven't made that clear yet.
Lastly the Burning Up music video:

Again something I really, really liked. I thought it was halarious. Big Rob cracked me up. They all looked amazing and the ending really made my day. "I can't grow a mustache" hah... it really was great. Watch it if you haven't already. You'll crack up at it. I swear.
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:
"Hannah Montana" on Disney Channel.

Quote of the Blog:
"The music has to be who you really are."
- Camp Rock (Shane Grey).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

10 things to do before I die.

1. Change someone's life.

2. Visit Australia.

3. Take a big risk.

4. Fall in love.

5. Get my nose pierced.

6. Be truely, truely happy.

7. Meet Taylor Swift.

8. Live in Ocean City for a summer.

9. Make one of my dreams come true.

10. Get one of my books published.

I'll keep adding more to this list until I have a full list. I'll also cross out things I have accomplished!
Love times a million,

Currently hearing:
"Pictures of You" One Tree Hill episode.

Quote of the Blog:
"You ever wonder how long it takes to change your life? What measure of time is enough to be life-altering? Is it four years, like high school? One year? An eight-week rock tour? Can your life change in a month, a week, or a single day? We're always in a hurry to grow up, to go places, to get ahead. But when you're young, one hour can change everything."
- One Tree Hill (Lucas Scott)