Friday, August 22, 2008

Natalie Updates Take 2 including Jonas, Ocean City, Breaking Dawn, etc!

Ah!! It's been a while. I've missed writing and I'm happy to be back to my regular updates, wa-ho!!
First order of business, I finally reached ten Jonas concerts! That was my goal last year! I told myself by the time I was sixteen I wanted to of seen the Jonas Brothers ten times and I did it! Seeing them in Baltimore brought back memories of September 2006 when I was riding esculators to see them in Towson, Maryland. I remember going to the rec room and buying tickets and just the overall happiness I had that I was finally seeing my boys. Now things have changed and I'm not five feet from them but I felt closer then ever to those amazing boys. Although, I wish they'd never done this whole Disney thing I'm proud of them!
Next I went to Ocean City, Maryland this past week and let me tell you, it was amazing! I had a ball just hanging out on the beach and chillaxing for the last time this summer! I didn't get any sunburn thankfully, however I was falling apart during that trip. First, I got a weird bump on my head, I don't know where it was from but it was long and bumpy, I still have it but it's getting better. Then my limp nod (thing behind my ear) was huge and acheing, which took away from my happiness and enjoyment on the last night. However, I bought some amazing chocolate covered strawberries from Wakenfuss (FYI go there instead of the Candy Kitchen) and after six years of begging I finally got on the giant ferris wheel at Jolly Rogers! I also bought a bracelet from Edward's because I wanted a bag from there, hah!
Next, I'm happy to say "Breaking Dawn" was amazing!! I actually haven't finished it, I'm reading a page a day in order to savor it but I'm loving it! If you disagree, I don't like you!!!
That's about it, but I'll keep you updated and go back to my regular day-by-day updates, I promise!
Love times a million,

Currently hearing:

Quote of the blog:
When I left you, Bella, I left you bleeding. Jacob was the one to stitch you back up again. That was bound to leave its mark — on both of you. I’m not sure those kinds of stitches dissolve on their own. I can’t blame either of you for something I made necessary. I may gain forgiveness, but that doesn’t let me escape the consequences.
- Twilight

Monday, August 4, 2008

Natalie updates, including Hershey JB show, and much more!

No, I'm not dead. Just busy!
First of all, I'm very happy to say that my once bump on my face, (aka the gross thing that looked like a zit under my eye) is officially gone. All that's left is a little slit where it was.
No it didn't hurt surpisingly. I got three shots around the bump, it surprisingly wasn't bad. Then the doctor took this little gross thing knife like thing and got everything out of it. It was just uncomfortable, not bad.

Next I am proud to say I attended my ninth Jonas Brothers concert and it was ah-maz-ing. Unfortunatly I was quite far away. Even with binoculars I couldn't see anything but their profiles. It was sad but amazing. They played so long, by the end I could barely walk. It ended close to twelve and we sat in traffic for a whooping ready for this 98 minutes!! I know amazing right? My next concert is on Wednsday aka not tomorrow but the next day. Yes, I'm excited for numoro ten!

I know I was going to put more in this blog but I don't feel like writing anymore. I'm going to write a special Jonas blog next because I feel like it. Anyways, I'm about done!
Talk to you in the next blog.
Oh and by the way, "Breaking Dawn" came out and I'm in love! Look ahead for a blog when I finish!
Love times a million,

Currently listening to:
The news.

Quote of the blog:
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
- Twilight (Yes I had to do a quote from there!)